Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Now its time to say good-bye"


I am sorry I have been so quite this past month.  To say that things have been different would be an understatement.  There are many changes coming around the corner but I thought I would fill you in on what has been going on. 

First on the wedding front:

My mother, one of my best friends, who will be a bridesmaid, and I went dress shopping.  It was funny to see the three of us attack those dresses.  My mother wanted one with long sleeve to which Jen and I looked at each other!  We steared clear of anything and went instead with more ivory color dresses.  I liked the way the color not only looked but went with my skin tone.  I won't say much more than that it was fun and I found a dress style I really like but have yet to make the final purchase. 

Secondly, Dan and I have started our marriage prep classes through the church.  These have been interesting and to say the least not what I was wanting from this program.  I am scientist by nature so to have to tell you that by God dressing Adam and Eve in leather garments showed that Jesus would some day come makes me shake my head.  OK...I am literal person.  If the flower grows in the corner of the house in my mind its because it's getting enough light and going through photosynthesis enough to allow for it flourish.  I don't see that as a blooming of a relationship.  Just my logical mind a bit. 

However back a few post ago I told you about a test we had to take.  157 questions about things I never thought we would be questioned about but it was an eye opener.  One of the questions was something along the lines of "Do you support your partner in their career aspirations."  Dan answered no.  This made me shake my head and he looked at me and said "You work to hard and they don't appreciate you.  You are worth a lot more then you get credit for at Mad Science."  To say this made me think would be an understatement. 

I am a true believer in fate and with a comment like that in the back of my head and being frustrated with work I applied with a company we have used at Mad Science before.  I didn't think anything would come of my late night application but by 9 the next day I had an interview set up for that afternoon.  I meet with two different people had to fill out a six page personality test and by the end of the week had the job.  Which leads me to the title of today's blog post.

I have left Mad Science in order to go after a new goal.  I have said good-bye to Nucleus Nicole and wore my lab coat for the last time.  On my last day my boss posted four different statistics:
1. I have traveled over 36,000 (that I can bill for) for Mad science
2. I have taught for over 28,000 kids
3. I have covered for 36 classes
4. In my four and a half years I have seen 74 instructors come and go while I have been there.

To see that data was incredible.  I am going to miss some of the kids, my co-workers, but not the job.  I loved my job at points but lately with my other co-workers talking of leaving, Dan pushing me to find something that would pay me my worth, and being ready to find a "big kid job" I was ready to leave.  The new job will offer steady hours, longer days, but better pay, full benefits, a 401K and paid vacations. 

At some point, you grow up...I have finally found a man who is pushing me to be better be stronger and I have never been so happy to have him in my life. 

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